
Django Instagram Clone

Django Instagram Clone App

Instagram Clone App with Django and React Native

Under Development

Back-end Developer: Berkay Şen
Front-End Developer: Berkant Eruysal

Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. License
  4. Contact

About The Project

This is a clone application project of Instagram that aims to develop using the technologies that Instagram uses. We tried to add as much detail as we could, from security to user experience. 

Front-end repository of this project can be reached from is here

Built With

Back-end Technologies

Front-end Technologies


Back-end Features

  • User Login,Registration,Authentication (JWT Token) System
  • Throttle System for Cyber Security (Bruteforce Attacks etc.)
  • Post Create,Like,Delete,Update etc. System
  • Comment Create,Like,Delete etc. System
  • Follow Request,Follow System. (Private Account / Public Account )
  • Notification System ( Like, Follow and Follow Request )
  • Saved Post System
  • Stories System ( 24 Hour )
  • Permissions System ( Is Private Account or Not for follow )

Front-end Features

  • Responsive Design
  • Login System
  • Store Access Keys in Encypted Storage
  • Navigation System
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Optimized Scroll Via Flatlist
  • Like,Reply,View-Hide Comments Features in Comments Screen

In-App Footage



Getting Started

To run the server, use the command while in the same directory as the manage.py file.

  • For Windows
python manage.py runserver
  • For Linux
python3 manage.py runserver

If you want to connect from different devices in your local network, open the settings.py file and edit the ALLOWED_HOST list.



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information on github.


Back-end Developer - LinkedIn - berkay@berkaysen.me

Front-end Developer - LinkedIn - berkanteruysal@hotmail.com